2012 FORD MUSTANG Coupe - CC3093-A

VIN: 1ZVBP8AM9C5212906
Stock #: CC3093-A
Mileage: 236480
Engine: 3.7L
Transmission: Automatic
Drive Train: RWD
Exterior Color: BLACK
Interior Color:
2012 FORD MUSTANG Coupe - CC3093-A
Based on EPA Estimates
City n/a
MPG Image
HWY n/a
Based on 2012 EPA mileage ratings. Use for comparison purposes only. Your actual mileage will vary, depending on how you drive and maintain your vehicle, driving conditions, battery pack age/condition (hybrid only) and other factors.
CarSmart of Jackson
CarSmart of Jackson
2856 Sappington Dr
Jackson, MO 63755
Equipment / Accessories
  • Air Conditioning
  • Power Windows
  • Power Locks
  • Power Steering
  • Tilt Wheel
  • AM/FM CD/MP3
  • Satellite
  • Keyless Entry
  • Alarm
  • Dual Air Bags Front and Sides
  • Active Belts
  • All Wheel ABS
  • Retractable Roof Panel
Internet Price $9,477 Pricing information for 12/26/2024
While every reasonable effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this data, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions contained on this page. Please verify any information in question with a dealership sales representative prior to purchase.